Radio interview Mijke & Co Live

Radio6 logoLast Friday I was at the Radio6 studio to promote my new CD “Smalls NYC” that I’ll be launching next month. I felt very happy because the radio presenter Co de Kloet – who is actually a well known producer – knows a lot about music. This made the conversation very interesting. Of course we played quite some tracks from the CD, but Co by surprised me by playing an old recording of the KC bigband directed by Bob Florence (May 20, 1932 – May 15, 2008). To prove to the listeners that this year won’t be my first performance at the North Sea Jazz Festival, he and his team had found a radio broadcast from 1997 where I play a trumpet solo on “Laura”. I can’t believe it’s that long ago!

The interview (in dutch) is approximately an hour and starts around the 34th minute.

radio6 interview

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