I didn’t really get to making end-of-the-year-lists last year, but if I would have, certainly the tour with Rein de Graaff trio plus Sam Most would have had a promintent place. Fortunately the concerts didn’t go unnoticed. In the weblog Draaiomjeoren Eddy Determeyer wrote the following (you can click here for the whole article):
Als tweede blazer had De Graaff trompettiste Ellister van der Molen uitgenodigd. Een goede keuze: deze dame behoort inmiddels tot de top en bewees dat met een fraai en logisch opgebouwde solo gelijk in het eerste nummer, ‘Take The A-Train’. Als collega Valaida Snow nog had geleefd, zou ik de respectieve middenriffen van de dames wel eens aan een vergelijkend warenonderzoek hebben willen onderwerpen.
(As second hornplayer De Graaff had invited trumpet player Ellister van der Molen. A good choice: this lady nowadays ranks among the top and proved so with a nice and logically built up solo directly in the first song ‘Take the A-Train’. Had colleague Valaida Snow still been alive, I would have liked to compare the two ladies’ abdominal muscles.)
Another nice review was written by Hans Koert in his Keep (it) Swinging weblog. He writes about Chris Peeters‘ cd ‘My name is Chris’, one of the cd’s that I have had the pleasure of contributing to. The whole story, plus nice pictures and a little youtube video of Chris can be found here.